Oznámení: Začíná další etapa sběru dat
Začíná další etapa sběru dat pro výzkum Současná česká rodina! V příštích dnech se obrátíme na některé vybrané respondenty s prosbou o vyplnění nového dotazníku, abychom se dozvěděli, co je u nich nového.
This PhD fellowship is intended for outstanding international students enrolled in the Sociology PhD Programme at Masaryk University who conduct research in the area of family demography, broadly construed. Project proposals working with Generations and Gender Programme data and taking a comparative approach are especially welcome.
Financial arrangements: Monthly stipend of 12000 CZK (approx. 465 Euro at present exchange rate, netto) for a period of up to 48 months conditioned upon positive evaluation of the student’s annual progress report. The fellowship includes full tuition waiver for up to 4 years under the same condition. The department offers – on a competitive basis – a number of additional fellowships, research and teaching assistantships to support enrolled students’ intellectual development, research and dissertation writing.
Application procedure: students apply for admission into the Sociology programme following procedures outlined here (applicants for the fellowship should choose the Population Studies specialization within the Sociology programme) and indicate in their dissertation proposal that they want to be considered for this fellowship. Decisions on the fellowship applications are made within one week of the admission interview.
NOTE: It is recommended that non-EU students take a Czech language course during their first year of study in order to help ensure smoother visa processing. For example, at least two semesters of option C3 in the following offer from Masaryk University are recommended: https://www.phil.muni.cz/kabcest/en/czech-language-courses.php. Financial aid may be available on a case-by-case basis to help cover the cost of the course.
Začíná další etapa sběru dat pro výzkum Současná česká rodina! V příštích dnech se obrátíme na některé vybrané respondenty s prosbou o vyplnění nového dotazníku, abychom se dozvěděli, co je u nich nového.
Přejeme veselé Vánoce a v novém roce jen to dobré všem účastníkům a příznivcům výzkumu Současná česká rodina!