Data acknowledgement

We kindly ask all users of the Czech GGS datasets to include the following acknowledgement in any articles, research papers, and other outcomes that were produced using the Czech data:

Czech GGS data were collected with financial support provided to the large research infrastructure “Czech National Cluster for Family Research” that is financially supported by the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports of the Czech Republic (project num. LM2024074).

Users of the Czech GGS data are notified that any scientific outcomes that they produce on the basis of this data will be registered as infrastructure outcomes in the Czech Registry of Information about Results (RIV) ( for the purpose of monitoring the work of this research infrastructure.

We would also like to ask GGS data users to kindly send us all outcomes that they produce on the basis of this data by email to This will make it easier for us to keep records and facilitate flexible communication with the provider of funds for the operation of the GGP CZ infrastructure.

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