
The GGP collects several types of data. All of these are available online and free of charge under the following circumstances:

a) Micro data on individuals from the Generations and Gender Survey can be downloaded upon registration and approval. This data include information about respondent's family life, social security, pension, employment, wages, education, and health. Interested parties need to register and sign a pledge of confidentiality in order to be granted access. The scientific quality of the proposed research is not judged as a part of the application procedure. The website also provides standardized syntax for working with and analyzing this data - for example, syntax for deriving household size and composition.

b) Micro data can be accessed for an online analysis without downloading and registration. The NESSTAR tool for the online analysis is directly on the website of the whole GGP.

c) The Contextual Database gives an open access without registration to comparable, aggregated contextual data for countries or sub-state geographical units, which can be linked to the individual level data of the GGS. It contains over 70 indicators of the macro-context for about 60 countries and over 200 indicators for participating GGP countries. The database has been compiled from various international and national sources and is continually updated. CDB variables are mostly from areas of social policies, demography, economy, education, and health.

d) The GGP also linkes and harmonizes data from other sources and countries to comparable datasets aimed for a cross-national analysis. The most profound result of these activities is the file called Harmonized Histories, which is available upon the same registration as the GGS data.

e) Apart from the panel data, the second wave of Czech data also involve cross-sectional data collected in 2008. Complete Czech data from the second wave of GGS are now publicly accessible through the Czech Social Science Data Archive at the Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences (ČSDA). You can find more details in this article.

Contemporary Czech family project - Czech GGS-II

Data from the first wave of the second round of the GGS in Czechia (also called the „Contemporary Czech family“ project) are now available in the GGP data archive upon request.

Czech GGS-II data citation

When using the Czech GGS-II data, please state the use like this (or similar): „This research uses data from the first wave of the Czech Generations and Gender Survey-II. (Kreidl et al. 2023).“

In bibliography, cite this source as follows (or similar based on your citation style): Kreidl, M., Šťastná, A., Kocourková, J., Hamanová, J., Zvoníček, T., Slabá, J., Hubatková, B., Matysiak, A., Rijken, A., Kong, S., Grunwald, O., Winn Lomnard M., Caporali, A. (2023). Czech Harmonized Generations and Gender Survey-II. Wave 1 (2020-2022). Version 1. Data obtained from the GGP Data Archive.

Find more about data acknowledgement:

Czech GGS COVID Pilot (2020-2021)

The data collection of the Czech GGS COVID Pilot study took place between December 2020 and February 2021. The sample consisted of more than 1,300 respondents. The same respondents were invited to participate in the follow-up, which took place in April 2021. 1,187 respondents participated in the follow-up study.

Citations and DOI numbers

Kreidl, M., Šťastná, A., Kocourková, J., Hamanová, J., Zvoníček, T., Slabá, J., Beaupré, P., Jablonski, W., Koops, J., Rijken, A., & Sturm, N. (2021). Czech Harmonized Generations and Gender Survey-II Pilot (Version 0.3) [Data set]. Consortium of Masaryk university, Charles university, Research institute for labour and social affairs, and the SC&C survey agency.

Kreidl, M., Šťastná, A., Kocourková, J., Dzúrová, D., Hamanová, J., Zvoníček, T., & Slabá, J. (2021). Czech GGS COVID Pilot – a Follow-up study (Version 1.0) [Data set]. Consortium of Masaryk university and Charles university.

Financial support of the data collection

The data collection of the first wave of the Czech GGS-I was financed by the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, ETA Programme. Since 2024, Czech GGS-II is financed by the project "Czech national cluster for family research" under Large Research Infrastructures (Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic).

Teaching datasets

On the Generations and Gender Programme website, you can also find simplified datasets suitable for teaching and training data analysis on real data from the second round of the survey. The dataset exists in two versions: starter and advanced. Both contain variables related to family, partner relationships, well-being, attitudes towards family and gender, or work-life balance. The advanced dataset also offers variables for event history analysis. The datasets can be downloaded here: and instructions for their use can be found at:

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