Complete Czech GGS data from 2008 are now publicly accessible

27 Jul 2019

Complete Czech data from the second wave of GGS are now publicly accessible through the Czech Social Science Data Archive at the Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences (ČSDA).

Data from the second wave, which took place in 2008 in Czech Republic, consist of a panel part and a cross-sectional part. Due to the low willingness of the first wave participants to participate in the second interview, the Czech research team expanded the sample of respondents and performed repeated collection among respondents with their demographic data corresponding to respondents from the first wave who did not participate in the second survey.

While the panel data from 2008, as well as the data from the first wave of GGS, have been available for several years in the GGP data archive, the cross-sectional data collected from the substitute respondents has so far been accessible only to the Czech research team. Now, these data are also publicly accessible through ČSDA under the name „Ženy a muži v ČR: životní dráhy a mezigenerační vztahy“.

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