First results of the Czech Covid-19 pilot study
Most Czech people (67 %) consider two children as ideal family size, as the Czech Covid-19 pilot study results showed. This study included 1 327 respondents in the age of 18-69 years. The first infographic (available in Czech language only) with the results of the study describes respondents' ideals and preferences concerning the number of children and their sex. It also focuses on respondents' reproductive plans and difficulties with conceiving a child.
The study revealed that more than half of the respondents who do not rule out the possibility to have another (or first) child in the future have preferences regarding the sex of the child - 25 % of people prefer a girl and 29 % prefer a boy. While men are more likely to prefer a boy, women prefer a girl more often. The study also showed that 16 % of respondents experienced problems conceiving a child despite their efforts for more than twelve months.
Other infographics (in Czech or English) focused on various areas of family and partnerships will be posted in the Notable results section soon.